Current profiles

I've spent a ton of time balancing out speed and quality. I can't give you a profile for every situation, every filament, etc. but the following file contains a sort of "fast, medium, slow" set to get you started. So far, this is only for PLA.

The Good Quality and High Quality are both using the standard 0.4mm nozzle. The Standard (fast) quality specifies a 0.6mm nozzle. Note that the quality isn't necessarily that much worse than a 0.4mm nozzle, but it does spit out plastic super quick. Get a 0.6mm nozzle when you can, especially if you're printing larger things.

Compare speeds

To compare speeds, I've sliced the same scene several times, using each profile. Take a look at each result to get an idea for which to choose.


High Quality 0.4mm Nozzle Slower

This would take 2 days and 52 minutes to print, using 171g (57.27m) of filament.

High Quality Slice

Good Quality 0.4mm Nozzle Medium Speed

This would take 1 day, 15 hours, and 26 minutes to print, using 162g (54.41m) of filament. Nearly half of the time as the high quality version.

Good Quality

Lower Quality 0.4mm Nozzle Faster Speed

This would take 17 hours and 46 minutes to print, using 140g (46.81m) of filament. Even faster.

Lower Quality

Standard Quality 0.6mm Nozzle Fastest

This would take just 6 hours and 57 minutes to print, using 135g (45.32m) of filament. I'm telling you, the quality is really great for the increase in layer height and nozzle size. 

Fastest Quality


Download the CURA Profile set

Here's the file containing the latest profiles for CURA, using PLA filament.

Please contact us on our Creative Graphics Group Facebook page with comments on how you're using our profiles!


What is it that I'm printing above?

There's a nice fan-art Iron Man Mark 85 helmet by "drumguy560" on Thingiverse. I found out about it from my friend Frank Lee Pillar. Check out his amazing full sized, wearable Iron Man suit on YouTube.

face mask printed

This is the one printed in just over 6 hours 45 minutes on the SOVOL SV-01. I only removed supports. No sanding yet.

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